About the Indie Author Showcase

As an indie author myself, I was struggling to get my name out there to the public. When people took a chance on one of my books, they could come back and say how they loved it. I've won several awards for my work. Yet I was still struggling to build an audience. As I was going to convention to convention, I was surrounded by other very talented indie authors like myself all fighting the same battle.

So the Indie Author Showcase was born. The goal of the Showcase is for indie authors to do collectively what we are struggling to do individually, for us to lift each other up and showcase our works to the public.

There will never be any fee to have your work reviewed on the Indie Author Showcase. Simply submit a copy of your work, preferably in the form of an Audible promo code, but any format will do, from physical copies to PDF files, and we will add it to our queue. We do not review them in any particular order - if we spent two weeks reading a fairly large tome we'll balance it out with a short novella to try to stay on schedule - but we do try to take those that came to us first as a first priority.

We will give an honest review. These will not be puff pieces. The goal of the Showcase is to lift up fellow indie authors, so if both hosts feel the book is bad, we will not bring it on the air just to tear it down. Better to not say nothing at all at that point. But that does not mean we will be less than honest in our review either, otherwise it will mean nothing.



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